49, agriculture 37, founding of Maryland 12, early history and colonial
days 21, state government 25, Annapolis 74, Baltimore 7, Ocean City 4.
Particular publications were desired by another large group of
persons. There were 200 requests for America in Miniature, a brochure
prepared by the Maryland Publicity Commission, which ceased func-
tioning in 1943. Many of these requests came from Maryland school
teachers. There were also 66 requests for copies of the State Consti-
tution and six for the Maryland Manual.
In addition to these larger groups of inquiries, there were many
others of an unusual and individual nature. A sampling of these shows
such diverse inquiries as those for information on raising geese, Mary-
land sports, prisons, soap factories, golf courses, oil surveys, coal
mining, oysters, crabs and canneries. Some persons asked for specimens
of soil from Annapolis, Maryland wood, leaf of the State tree, record-
ing of State song, Maryland stone and Maryland pennants.
There were also requests for copies of various State laws, reports
of the several departments, and many others.
Because of the volume and the urgency of many requests, it was
thought advisable to assemble as quickly as possible ready-made
literature to meet the need. It was recognized that some requests re-
quired letters in reply, but the great majority could be handled by
sending the inquirer printed material.
The department director obtained from the Governor's office a
supply of approximately 6,000 seal folders. From Secretary of State
Bertram L. Boone, II, came copies of the State Constitution and
rosters of state employees as well as members of the Legislature.
Other literature obtained free included leaflets on Triton Beach,
Let's Go Fishing (a guide to Chesapeake Bay fishing points prepared
by the Maryland Development Bureau of the Association of Com-
merce), Maryland Resorts and Vacation Areas (also prepared by the
Maryland Development Bureau), Recreation Opportunities in State
Forests and Parks (prepared by the Department of Forests and Parks),
maps of Colonial Annapolis (from an Annapolis bank), folders on
Annapolis (prepared by the Annapolis and Anne Arundel County