Chase, Francis Scott Key, and Thomas Johnson which are in their
There follows a detailed list of all accessions from private sources:
COBB, MRS. GEORGE and MRS. JAMES H. LOVELL, (1) Commission to
Dennis Claude as Surgeons Mate in the Service of the United
States signed by President Thomas Jefferson, March 27, 1804,
parchment. (2) Commission to Dennis Claude as Surgeon in the
Regiment of Light Artillery signed by President James Madison,
March 23, 1809, parchment. (3) Commission to Dennis Claude
as Surgeon in the 22nd Regiment in Anne Arundel County signed
by Governor Robert Bowie, June 19, 1812. (4) Commission to
Dennis Claude as Comptroller of the Treasury signed by Governor
Thomas H. Hicks, May 8, 1861. February 20, 1948.
ELLERSIIAW, MRS. MARY B., Photograph of Baltimore's first Post Of-
fice, c. 1890. April 15, 1948.
FORBES, MRS. GEORGE, Photographs of the State House and the South
River Club House, e. 1910. July 30, 1947.
to Governor Thomas Johnson, 1777, photostats, 3 letters. (4)
Letter, Thomas Johnson to Dr. John Johnson, 1810, photostat. (5)
Opinion of Francis Scott Key as to liability of endorsers of Mr.
Reintzell's note, 1810, photostat. (6) Letter, Francis Scott Key to
Col. John McPherson, 1837, photostat. May 18, 1948.
IGLEHART, Miss ANN W., Family records of the Iglehart, Harwood,
Sellman, and allied families, 1689-1934; also letters, pamphlets,
photostats, newspaper clippings, etc., collected by the donor, 1 box.
January 13, 1948.
MARTIN, GEORGE A., "The United States in accompt with Capt. Samuel
Griffith Company of Regular Forces of the Third Battallion, Com-
manded by Coll. Mordecai Gist, for Bounty and Subsistance money
from the Day of their Enlistment to the tenth of February, 1777,"
photostat, original in National Archives. February 25, 1948.
————, (1) Pay Roll of Capt. William Brown's Company of Artillery
for one month's pay agreeable to a Resolve of Congress, January