BEACH, MRS. RUTH E., Journal of a general store which was
located near "Bond Castle" in Calvert Co., 1820-1821, 1
volume. October 9, 1944.
CARPENTER, MRS. AUSTIN B., "A new Map of Virginia Maryland
and the Improved Parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey",
1719, revised by I. Senex [1721]. Photostat. Jan. 11, 1945.
FORBES, MRS. GEORGE, (1) Newspaper clippings regarding site
of new State Office Building, Society for Restoration of
Colonial Annapolis and historic houses, 1933-1938, 1 large
envelope. (2) Newspaper, Evening Capital, Apr. 22, 1908,
contains article on speech on Chase Home by George Forbes,
1 issue. (3) Card index to Ridgely's Annals of Annapolis,
compiled by George Forbes, 1 small box. (4) Map of How-
ard County showing the Topography and Election Districts,
published by Maryland Geological Survey, 1910, 1 sheet.
(5) Moving pictures about life at the Naval Academy, c.
1910,1 reel. (6) Notes for slide lectures, 2 small notebooks.
(7) Chronological list of lantern slides, Nos. 1—1931, 2
small notebooks. This index duplicates the card index al-
ready on hand. (8) Pictures of various old houses, nega-
tives only, 3 envelopes. May 25, 1945.
LANGLEY, MISS LEILA, Photographs of the Chase House (20),
Hammond-Harwood House (3), State House (1) and Views
of St. Mary's City (5). March 5, 1945.
MARYLAND STATE SOCIETY D. A. R., Miscellaneous genealogical
information about the following families: Sylvester, Gar-
ner-Collins, Haycroft, Davis, Murray, Nicholson, Welling,
Baggs, Eoe, Norris, Straughn, Mauldin, etc., dating from
1613 to 1942, 29 pages. This information was compiled and
presented to the National Society D. A. R. by various chap-
ters of the Maryland State Society. August 25, 1945.
MILLER, BYRON S., (1-4) Letters relating to the Irish Revolu-
tion, 1860, 4 letters. (5) Remarks made on presentation of
the colors of the Tammany Regiment to the Tammany
Society, c. 1870, 1 page. (6) Genealogical table of the de-
scendants of Denis O'Sullivan and Mary Barry, compiled