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Ninth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1944
Volume 446, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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Catalogue of Archival Material. An index to the printed catalogue
is now being prepared. When it is completed it will be mimeographed
and distributed.

Testamentary Papers Prerogative Court. These papers which were
part of the files of the provincial Prerogative Court are now being ar-
ranged in chronological order, and they will be indexed by the name
of the decedent. It is not intended to include all names which appear
in the record as these may be found in the all-name index of the Testa-
mentary Proceedings completed last year.

Copies of the Catalogue of Archival Material and of the Calendar
of the Black Books published last year are still available at one dollar
each. Copies of the annual reports of the Archivist from the fifth
through the eighth are available in limited quanties for free distribution.


All of the records received during the past year have been serviced.
The biggest job was arranging, listing, and accessioning the material
received from the Executive Department. The addition of such a large
quantity of material to the Executive records already present made it
necessary to rearrange and relist the whole set. When this was done,
it was extremely gratifying to note that many gaps which we had sup-
posed to be permanent had been filled. For example, we now have a
complete record of Executive Proceedings from 1777 to 1911; whereas,
formerly we had no record at all for about thirty years of this period
and only the Rough Minute for about forty other years.

We also made a beginning of labeling and arranging the large and
varied collection of loose papers of the Executive Department. At
present we are marking the date and describing briefly the papers on
the folders containing them. Until a better knowledge of the collec-
tion has been obtained, the present rough chronological order will not be
altered except in those cases where the paper has obviously been mis-
placed. At the end of the fiscal year, 26 boxes of papers dating from
1775 to 1781 had been labeled.

Finally, we have resumed arranging and indexing the original
papers of the Prerogative Court, called Testamentary Papers. (See
under "Aids to Research"). During the past year, the papers from
1659 to 1696, a total of 9 boxes, were arranged and indexed.


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Ninth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1944
Volume 446, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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