Held Over................................................ 1,696.03
Balance reverted to the Treasurer................................................,$10,299,94
Receipts for Photostating, Microfilming, Certifying, Hall
of Records Publications, HRS Publications, Type-
script and Postage.................................................................. 279.42
Receipts for 1942............................................................................ 302.57
Receipts for 1941............................................................................ 285.20
Appropriations for the fiscal years 1944 and 1945 were made by
the General Assembly which met January-March 1943. A cut in the
funds allotted to the Hall of Records was made approximately equal
to the sum reverted to the Treasurer for the fiscal year 1943. Almost
all of the reverted funds and therefore the cuts for the next two years
came from equipment budgets; consequently no hardship will be felt
since no equipment can be bought at the present time. It would, how-
ever, be a serious blow to the Hall of Records if such cuts were con-
tinued into the period when equipment will again be available.
In addition to the appropriations made by the Assembly specifically
to the Hall of Records, general funds to the amount of $4,133.00 were
set aside in order to pay the salary increases recommended by the
Standard Salary Board.
On October 5, 1942, the Archivist delivered an illustrated lecture
on "Old Annapolis" to the United States Naval Academy Women's
Gub» Slides from the George Forbes Collection were shown by Mr.
Skordas. The Archivist also spoke briefly to the Annapolis Kiwanis
Club on October 20th. A meeting of the Junior Women's Club of
Annapolis and Anne Arundel County which was scheduled for January
7th was not held due to the OPA order of that day prohibiting the use of
automobiles for pleasure purposes. The members of the dub held that
the Archivist's speech would fall into the category of pleasures specifically
banned. The ever more stringent restrictions on the use of private
automobiles and the inconveniences of public transportation throughout
Maryland Counties, led the Archivist to cancel all other speaking engage-
ments for the year and to make no new ones.
The annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists, which
was held at Richmond, Virginia, on October 26-28, 1942, was attended
by Mrs. Ruth Krebs, Miss Elizabeth Meade and Mr. Roger Thomas of
the Hall of Records staff in addition to the Archivist. A paper entitled
"Reproduction Methods (Microphography)" was read by the
Archivist who was appointed to the Archival Research and the Program