The Archivist attended the annual meetings of the Society of
American Archivists and the American Association for State and Local
History which were held at Hartford, Connecticut, on October 6-8,
1941. He addressed the Maryland Historical Society at Baltimore on
the subject of "Present-day Care of Manuscript Material". At this
meeting, which was held October 13, 1941 in the Society's rooms,
Mrs, Ruth Krebs of the staff of the Hall of Records demonstrated the
lamination process now used at the Hall of Records. On October 24,
the Archivist addressed the Art Group of the Maryland State Teachers'
Association in convention at Baltimore on "Wartime Protection of
Unique Materials, Manuscripts, Books and Art Objects." Because of
the tire and gasoline shortage no later invitations to speak were accepted.
Of the many distinguished visitors to the Hall of Records during the
year perhaps only one need be mentioned here; Senor Hernandez
de Alba, Minister of Fine Arts of Colombia. Senor de Alba was
accompanied by his wife and Dr. Robert C. Smith, Assistant Director
of the Hispanic Foundation.
In addition to reviews for several of the historical journals, the
Archivist prepared an article on early Maryland records which appeared
in the September, 1942, issue of the National Historical Magazine.
The Archivist was informed last year of an encouraging action
of the Woman's Eastern Shore Society of Maryland. At the May,
1941, meeting of the Executive Board a resolution was adopted by a
vote of eleven to two "advocating that all Eastern Shore Records be
moved to the Hall of Records at Annapolis."
In the course of the year, various of the activities of the Hall of
Records were noted in the local press. The Maryland Historical Maga-
zine, The American Archivist, State Government, Popular Science, Life
en the Chemical Front.
The number of visitors to the Hall of Records decreased during
the year as a result of the war. Immediately after Pearl Harbor re-
search in history and geneaology was almost abandoned. After a short
while the number of visitors approached a normal figure again only
to be reduced once more by new developments more permanent than
panic, The following factors are of primary importance in explaining