The materials which are being microfilmed are copied in the order
of the frequency of their use by scholars. The following series have
been filmed and the films removed to Western Maryland: Wills, Balance
Books, Inventories, Accounts, Inventories and Accounts, Testamentary
Proceedings, Provincial Court Proceedings, Provincial Court Judg-
ments, Baltimore County Deeds, The total amount of film is 136 rolls
on which are recorded 469 volumes. Our microfilm copying program
was begun January 2, 1942. At that time Miss Mary Janney was
employed to devote her whole time to this work. On July 7 a night
operator, R. H. Mulchings, was employed and he was in turn suc-
ceeded on August 17 by Mrs. Grace Lawton. At the end of the
fiscal year both night and day operators were still employed, and the
critical part of this work was almost complete.
Although its number of workers, and consequently, its activities,
were very much curtailed last year, the Historical Records Survey of
the Works Projects Administration continued to function under one
name or another. Dr. Charles B. Hirschfeld, Editor of the Survey,
resigned to become a member of the staff of the National Archives
before anything more than the Anne Arundel County Inventory of
County and Town Archives had been published. This volume is no
doubt the best of the county records series. When the state-wide proj-
ect was liquidated, the Hall of Records took over all stocks of surplus
county volumes, unfinished manuscripts and notes for the preparation
of other manuscripts. These materials are now at the Hall of Records
and are available to researchers. Two manuscripts which were com-
pleted but not published, an Inventory of the Vital Statistics Records
of Maryland and an Inventory of the Records of the Superior Court
of Baltimore City, will be prepared for publication by the Hall of
Records staff during the present fiscal year.
When the state-wide project was abandoned after the beginning
of the new Federal fiscal year, a small unit of four workers was con-
tinued at the Hall of Records. Of this number only one remains at
this writing and she will be released, at the latest, when the WPA
itself is abolished in Maryland on January 24, 1943.
The National Youth Administration had sixteen workers at the
Hall of Records at the beginning of the fiscal year. This number had