not lose, but the need for the Hall of Records to contribute varying,
but always considerable, amounts of its appropriations to this work
was not clear. It is hoped that after the present critical shortage of
photographic materials has passed there will not be a resumption of the
old policy. Total receipts for copies made of our own records amounted
to $173.00 which is approximately the same as the previous year.
A great deal of progress was made during the last year in the
photocopying of county records. All of the originals which were copied
remained at the Hall of Records, the copies were sent to the county
courthouses. Besides increasing our own collection, we were thus able
to return to the counties a permanent record on all-rag paper and newly
bound so that the counties benefited as well as the Hall of Records.
In addition, once copies are placed in the courthouses the record in one
form or the other is reasonably secure against loss due to the hazards
of war or those of peace. The following volumes were completed in
the course of the year:
Prince George's County Deeds, 6 volumes.....3767 pages
Somerset County Deeds, 9 volumes.....3330 pages
Frederick County Judgments, 7 volumes.....6083 pages
Total, 22 volumes.....13180 pages
This work was accomplished by Allison Trader who resigned
on December 1, 1941, Arthur Miller who succeeded Mr. Trader and
resigned in turn on April 1, 1942, Mrs. Margaret White who is the
present photographic operator and George Garner who for several
months has been employed for night work.
Funds for this county record work were provided by the clerks
of the courts of Frederick and Prince George's County and by the
Hall of Records.
Our second year of Microfilming was devoted almost entirely to
the copying of those of our own records which we are especially anxious
to protect against war time hazards. In spite of the shortage of materials
and the demands of this .war work, We felt it neessary to make rather
lengthy copies of Provincial Court Judgments, Chancery Proceedings,
Court of Appeals Judgments and Wills for scholars who were con-
cluding works for publication and who were prevented from coming
to the Hall of Records in person.