One volume of Provincial Court Judgments which had been
begun during the preceding year was crepelined this year, all the
other preservation and repair work was done with the Barrow Lamina-
tor which had recently been installed at the Hall of Records. This
process has thus far proved to be very satisfactory. The question of
its permanency cannot be answered finally except with the passage of
considerably more time, but the Archivist has no doubt of the validity
of laboratory aging tests which indicate very long life expectancy. In
addition to the satisfaction which the appearance of the laminated
materials has given us, we were especially happy to have installed this
machine as it made it possible to continue our repair work after the
stocks of chiffon used this year in the crepeline process had been
exhausted. While the amount of our production also increased the per-
centage of increase was not so large as we had hoped it would be. This
minor disappointment was due to three causes over which we had no
control; there was first the need to finish crepelining materials which
had been begun earlier, a certain amount of time was required for
our workers to achieve the maximum production rate with the new
process, and there was an unusual amount of illness in the department.
The total number of pages crepelined was 1,128. The number of pages
laminated was 19,692, for a total of 20,822 pages as compared with
13,512 pages for the fiscal year 1940-1941. The materials which were
entirely rehabilitated either by crepelining or lamination are the fol-
lowing :
Accounts Nos. 7, 18, 28, 54.
Anne Arundel County Deeds R, D. No, 1.
Anne Arundel County Wills J. G. No. 2.
Baltimore County Deeds t. R. No, D. S., T. B. No. 2, A. L, No. C
Charles County Wills Liber J.
Convention Journal July 1775, December 1775, June 1776,
Convention Papers.
Convention Proceedings.
Council of Safety Correspondence and Accounts.
Executive Papers.
Inventories 58.
Provincial Court Judgments H, W. No. 3, T. B. No, 2, I. O. No. 1, P. L.
No. 1, S, S. 3 A, D. D. 17.
Somerset County Deeds, Liber B, Liber G.
Upper House Journal, June 15-July 3, 1773.