is necessary to convince county residents that transfer of records
does not mean that records will be taken from them but only better
preserved for them and for others elsewhere in the State. Our
success in getting these records seems to justify the stand which
the Hall of Records Commission has taken against any sort of
mandatory legislation. Were these records to come in any more
rapidly the Hall would be taxed to care for them properly.
Cataloguing For the first time this year some progress was made in
the publication of guides to our collection. It is hoped that the
issuing of such guides, especially where detailed analyses cannot
be given in a general guide, can be continued. Finally, a general
catalogue is being prepared and the sum of $1,000 had been provided
from our general appropriation for printing.
Publications In addition to the partial guides and the general catalogue
already mentioned it is hoped that a program of publication of
County Court Records will be authorized by the next Legislature
to begin during the biennium 1942-43. An annual appropriation
of $5,000 has been requested for this purpose.
The Hall of Records and the War Perhaps some thought should be
given to the problem of Archives in war time. The Society of
American Archivists and the American Historical Association have
considered this matter during their meetings this year. We must,
I suppose, contemplate the curtailment of our program clue to the
merging of the WPA and the NYA into the defense program, we
must also contemplate the possibility of a reduction of budget and
of personnel due to pressing defense obligations which the State may
be called upon to assume. Perhaps we should also consider the
possibility of actual physical danger to the records. The Hall of
Records, located as it is in Annapolis close to a military objective,
is in a relatively dangerous position, but unless naval and aerial war-
fare develop beyond present understanding during the next year
we may safely postpone our fears for at least that length of time.