of item 852 one copy remains of 3000 printed) that ob-
viously much printing must have been done of which nei-
ther copy nor record survives. Perhaps it would be
safer to say "survives in libraries,' for even during
ny investigations certain items came to light, were
bought by libraries and were reported to me.
Description of each item attempts to be detailed
enough so that anyone having a copy can identify it and
determine its completeness. Title pages are described
as fully as possible. The collation Includes signatures
in nearly all cases. Supporting evidence for imprint
information is supplied whenever found. Reference is
made to Inclusion in other bibliographies, including Sa-
bin (who notes less than one in six of the items). Lo-
cation of copies is shown by means of the symbols devel-
oped by the American Imprints Inventory; underlinings
Indicate copies seen.
Any undertaking of this sort depends greatly on
the degree of cooperation shown by libraries holding
copies of the items under study. During the preparation
of the present volume I have been pleased to find that
members of the library profession everywhere have been
more than willing to assist. Although it is entirely
impossible to mention here all those who have labored to
locate obscure items, transcribe title pages, make col-
lations and verify data, I cannot close without express-
ing appreciation to certain ones.
At the Library of Congress Mr. Charles G. LaHood,
then of the Union Catalog Division, was Indefatigable in
answering questions of detail regarding the American Im-
prints Inventory slips, and Mr. Vincent Eaton of the
Rare Books Division did everything possible to facili-
tate my work there.
In Baltimore, Miss Elizabeth Litsinger and her
staff in the Maryland Room of the Enoch Pratt Free Li-
brary were consistently helpful, and Mr. Fred Shelley of
the Maryland Historical Society put the extensive re-
sources of the Society at my disposal.