The American Repository and Annual Register of the
United States, for the Year 1804. [short thick-thin
rule] Containing, Lists of the various Departments of
the Federal Government; as well as a number of useful
Tables, necessary to be known in every State of the
Union. [short thin-thick rule] To be continued annual-
ly. [short thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Published by
M. & J. Conrad, & Co. [filet] T. L. Plowman, Printer.
[see image for text]
[24] p. for Memorandums inserted after p. 4.
MWA. [l62]
Ash, John.
Grammatical Institutes; or, an easy Introduction to
Dr. Lowth's English Grammar. Designed for the Use of
Schools, and to lead young Gentlemen and Ladies, into
the Knowledge of the first Principles of the English
Language. With an Appendix, containing, [7 lines3
cthick-thin rule] By John Ash, L.L.D. [thin-thick
rule] A New Edition, revised, corrected and enlarged,
tthick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed for George Hill,
by John W. Butler. [short thick-thin rule., 1803.
131 [i.e. 132]t [3] p. 15 cm. [A]4 B-R4.
Sig. G4v (blank) omitted in pagination.
PPL-R. [163]
The Baltimore Directory, for 1803; containing the
Names, Occupations, and Places of Abode, of the Inhabi-
tants s arranged in Alphabetical Order. Also, the Con-
stitution of the United States, and Corporation of the
City* With a complete List of the Duties, and a General
Abstract from the Revenue Laws, Relative to the Duty of
Masters of Vessels——Of the Owners or Consignees of
Goods—-Of Officers of the Customs &e. To which are
added, The Courts of Maryland— Insurance Companies—
City Banks—Post-Off ice Establishment——Land and Water
Stages—Public-Offices—Places of Public Worship—
Pleasure Gardens, &c. With an Alphabetical List of the
Streets, Lanes and Alleys. [thick-thin rule] By Corne-
lius Williaa Stafford. [thin-thick rule] Baltimore:
Printed for the Author, by John W. Butler, corner of Gay
and Water streets. [l803]
144,t 76 p. 17 cm. A-M6, a-f6 g2.
MB (photostat); MdBP; MdHi [l64]