Nordhone berechnet; Jedoch in denen angrenzenden Staaten
ohne merklichen Unterschied zu gebrauchen. [rule] Zum
Achtenmal herausgegeben. [rule] Hagerstaun, Wasching-
ton Caunty, Maryland, gedruckt und zu haben bey Johann
Gruber; wie auch bey unterschiedlichen Stohrhaltern und
andern zu finden. [thin-thick rule] [l805]
[40] p. 20.5 cm. [A]2 B-D6.
Seidensticker p. 160. Relchmann 8l.
MWA. [158]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[frame of printing ornaments] The Pocket Almanac,
and Complete Memorandum Book; containing the Calendar, a
Variety of useful Tables, a List of Post Roads, the
Courts, &c. &c. For 1804. Being Baxeiter, or Leap
Year, ffilet] Continued Annually, [filet] [thick-thin
rule] Baltimore—Printed and sold by Warner & Hanna, At
the Bible & Heart Printing-office, corner of South Gay
and Market-Streets. [l803]
[32] p. 16.5 cm. Single gathering. Interleaved.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Oct. 12,
1803, as "Just Published."
MdHi. [159]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[ thick-rule frame] The Town & Country Almanac, for
the Year of our Lord, 1804. Being Bissextile, or Leap-
Year; and the 28th of American Independence. Calculated
for the Meridians of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
Kentucky, and Tenessee [slc]. Containing, Exclusive of
the Astronomical Calculations, A great variety of In-
structing and Entertaining Pieces, in Prose and Verse.
[double rule] Baltimore: Printed for Samuel Butler, By
John W. Butler, Corner of Gay & Water Streets. [1803]
[36] p. 18.5 cm. A-C6.
MWA. [l60]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[Verbesserte Hoch-Deutsche Americanische Land und
Staats Calender auf das Jahr 1804. Friedrich-Stadt,
M. Bartgis, 1803]
Seidensticker p. 159. Reichmann 79.
Probably the item advertised in the Frederick Hornet,
Sept. 13, 1803, as "Hat soeben die Presse verlassen ...
der englisehe und deutsche Calender, Auf das Jahr 1804."
No copy known. [l6l]