This item is included because the lines beginning
"Baltimore: Reprinted ..." and "Joseph Robinson, print."
are in different type and appear to have been inserted
between the earlier imprint lines, and because this is
probably the item advertised in the Baltimore Federal
Gazette, June 22, 1810, as "This Day is Published an
Essay on War, proving the Spirit of War to be wholly ex-
cluded from the Christian Church ... For sale by Joseph
James, No. 4 South street."
MdHi (gathering H3 is so folded that the paging runs
142, 141, 140, 139); PSC-Hi (2 copies). [909]
Worthington, William Griffin Dorsey.
Speech of W. G. D. Worthington, Esq. a Member of the
General Assembly of Maryland one of the Delegates of
the City of Baltimore, on Brent's Resolutions, approba-
tory of the Measures of the late and present Administra-
tion of the Government of the U. S. r rule-, Taken in
short-hand by the Stenographer of the House of Dele-
gates. [rule] [4 lines, quotation^ [filet] Baltimore:
Printed by Hezekiah Niles, at the Office of the Evening
Post. 1810.
52 p. 22 cm. [A]4 B-F4 G2
Sabin 105507.
MWA; MdBP; MdHi. Garrett. [910]
[Wyatt, Joseph]
An Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled, An Appendix to a
Religious Colloquy. Annapolis: Printed by Frederick
Green. [l8l0]
16 p.
Described by Rede.
Advertised in the Annapolis Maryland Gazette, May 50,
1810, as "To be had, At the store of Gideon White."
MdBD (not found). [911]