The People of the United States generally. [short
thick-thin rule] By John Watson. [ short thin-thick
rule] Baltimore: Printed by Benjamin Edes, No. 26, S.
Calvert-street. [row of dots] 1810.
44 p. 15 cm. A-C^ D4.
Sabin 102139 note.
InRchE; MB; Nh; PSC-Hi. [906]
[Weems, Mason Locke]
Die Lebensbeschreibung und merkwurdige Handlungen von
Georg Waschington, General und Befehlshaber der Armeen
von Nord-America. Nebst der Erklarung der Unabhangig-
keit, und der Constitution der Vereinigten Staaten.
[ rule-3 Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt. [rule] Zweyte
Auflage. [rule] Friederich-stadt, Gedruckt bey M.
Bartgis. 1810.
2 leaves, 176 p. 17 cm.
Cut of Washington on verso of 1st prelim, leaf.
Relchmann 117.
PWW. [907]
Weems, Mason Locke.
[The Life of Gen. Francis Marion. Baltimore? J. Rob-
inson? I8l0?]
Ford (item 85) gives a full discussion of the evi-
dence for the publication date and place of this Item.
The most cogent reasons are (l) the 1809 Maryland copy-
right notice in the extant second edition; and (2) men-
tion of "Robinson the Printer, Balt0" In letters from
Weems to Carey, particularly the letter of Nov. 18, l809.
No copy known. [908]
Wells, John I.
An Essay on War. Proving that the spirit of war, ex-
isting in the rational mind, is ever inimical to the
spirit of the gospel; that the wars mentioned in the
history of the Jews, were for the happiness of that peo-
ple, the punishment of Idolatrous nations, and the in-
struction of mankind generally. Also, that the spirit
of war is wholly excluded from the Christian Church. By
John I. Wells, [3 lines, quotation] Second edition
with additions and corrections. Hartford, (Con.) Bal-
timore: Reprinted for the author, J. I. Wells. Pub-
lished by Joseph W. Miller. 1810. Joseph Robinson,
164 p. 13 cm. A-I9 K2(-K2).