ex optima editione expressum pro Disclpulis studeosis ac
ingenuis Baltimoriensis Collegii. [double row of dots3
cl line, quotation] [double row of dots] [thick-thin
rule] BaltimOria: Pro Editore impressum; per G. B. Un-
derwood. [row of dots] 1810.
vii, [3D-169 p. 16 cm. [a]4 A-C6.
CtMW; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi; MdW; ViSwC; VtMidbC. [891]
[Sambo and Tony. A Dialogue between two Negroes in
South Carolina. Baltimore, 1810]
Sabin 75900.
Probably the following title (MdHi copy):
Sambo and Toney, a Dialogue; between two Africans in
S. Carolina ... Baltimore: Published by John Kingston.
A. Mlltenberger, Printer. l8ll. [892]
Sampson, William.
Supplement to the American and Commercial Daily Ad-
vertiser. Monday Morning, July 16, 1810. [short thin-
thick rule] Mr. Sampson's Reply, on the Trial of James
Cheetham for a Libel on Mrs. Margaret Brazier Bonne-
villa. [ short thin-thick rule] [Baltimore] Printed by
G. Dobbin and Murphy, Office of the American, 10, Balti-
more-street. [1810]
16 p. 23 cm. Without signatures.
DLC (2 copies); MWA; MdBB; PPM. [893]
Scott, Job.
The Baptism of Christ a Gospel Ordinance: being alto-
gether inward and spiritual. [short thick-thin rule]
By Job Scott. [short thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Pub-
lished by Joseph James. [row of dots] 1810.
vii, 200 p. 18 cm. A-R6 S2.
CtHC; InRchB; KyLoP; MdBFr; MoS; PPM; PSC; PSC-Hi;
PU. [894]
Scougal, Henry.
The Life of God in the Soul of Man: or, the Nature
and Excellency of the Christian Religion. By Henry
Scougal, A.M. To which is added, Rules and Instructions
for a Holy Life. By Robert Leighton, Archbishop of
Glasgow. [short thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Published
by Edward J. Coale. B. Edes,,printer. 1810.
168 p. 13.5 cm. A9 B-N6 04(0 4 blank).
CSmH; MWA (sig. C3 bound ahead of C4). [895]