by Warner & Hanna. 1810.
2 v. in 1 (335, [1] p.-) 17.5 cm. A-2E6.
Frontispiece: woman sitting beneath tree with book.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican. Aug.
20, 1810, as "This Morning Published."
MWA (lacks frontispiece); MdBJ; ViAl; WHi. [887]
[ Prospectus for the Lounger1s Cabinet. Baltimore,
Referred to at the end of the advertisement for the
Lounger's Cabinet in the Baltimore Federal Republican,
Jan. 18, 1810, as "For further particulars, see the Pro-
spectus at the different Book Stores in this city, where
subscriptions are received."
No copy known. [888]
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A. Maryland
Journal of a Convention of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, in the State of Maryland: held in St. Paul«s
Church, Baltimore, from June 13th to June l6th 1810,
both Inclusive. [short thick-thin rule] Baltimore:
Printed by Joseph Robinson, No. 96, Market street, 1810.
28 p. 20 cm. [A]4 B-C4 D2.
DLC; MWA; MdBD; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi. [889]
Quincy, Josiah.
Speech of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, on the Joint Reso-
lutions in the House of Representatives of the U. S. ap-
proving the Conduct of the Executive, in refusing to re-
ceive any further Communication from Francis J. Jackson,
Esq. To which is added, the Report of the Joint Commit-
tee of the Massachusetts Legislature, on the subject of
the Foreign Relations of the United States. [thick-thin
rule3 Baltimore: Printed by Benjamin Edes. [row of
dots] 1810.
31 p. 2.5 cm. [A]4 B-D4.
Sabin 67245.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, liar.
2, 1810, as "For Sale at the Office of the Federal Re-
CSmH; MBAt; MH; MHi; MWA; PHI; PPL-R. Garrett.
BrMus. [890]
Sallustius, Caius Crispus.
C. Crispi Sallustii Bellum Catalinarius & Jugurthinum,