Africa....Minister of the African Methodist Episcopal
Church in Baltimore. Humbly dedicated to the People of
Colour in the United States of America. [short thick-
thin rule] Baltimore: Printed by Benjamin Edes, for Jo-
seph James. [row of dots] l8lO.
45 p. 16 cm. A-C6 D4.
Lists of African ministers and churches at end.
Chiefly concerns the Scriptural basis for slavery.
MWA. [832]
Cole, John.
Ecclesiastical Harmony: a collection of ancient and
modern Tunes, particularly adapted to Dr. Dwight's col-
lection of Psalms and Hymns; including a number never
before published in this Country. [short thick-thin
rule] By John Cole. [filet] Baltimore——Printed for
the author by G. Dobbin & Murphy. [l8l0]
80 p. 14.5 x 26 cm. [a]2 B4 [b]2 C-K4. Sig. B
is on lighter paper than sig. [a] and [b] which are
probably conjugate.
Title within double oval of printing ornaments, be-
tween the rows of which is the verse: Rehearse God's
Praise, let Knowledge lead the Song; nor mock him with a
Solemn Sound, upon a Thoughtless Tongue.
Metcalf p. 19.
ICN. [833]
Cole, John.
The Rudiments of Music, or an Introduction to the Art
of Singing. [filet] Compiled for the use of Schools.
[thick-thin rule} By John Cole. [thin-thick rule]
Baltimore——Printed by G. Dobbin and Murphy, 10, Balti-
more-Street. [l8l0?]
2 leaves, 32 p. 13 x 21.5 cm. [a]2 [A]4 B-D4.
Before the 1812 directory was issued, Dobbin & Murphy
were on Harrison Street.
MWA. [834]
Architectural border, with musical instruments at
top and bottom-, The Comic Songster; being a collection
of the most admired Songs, sung at the Theatres and Con-
cart Rooms; and a number of new National Songs. [short
thick-thin rule] [2 lines, quotation] Baltimore: Print-
ed by Geo. Dobbin and Murphy, 10, Baltimore-street.
[row of dots] 1810.
72 p. 16 cm. A-F6.