No. 9, High-street, Old Town, Pamphilion»s Hotel,
Fell's-Point, and at Gadsby's Indian Queen Tavern and
Hotel, Baltimore-street, Baltimore. [short thin-thick
rule;] G. Dobbin and Murphy....Printers. [row of dots]
24 p. 22 cm. [A]4 B-C4.
MdHi. [820]
Brevitt, Joseph.
The Female Medical Repository. To which is added, a
Treatise on the Primary Diseases of Infants: adapted to
the use of the Female Practitioners and Intelligent
Mothers; the technical Terms are explained, and an At-
tempt hath been made to reduce these Branches of "The
Healing Art." to Conciseness and Perspicuity, By Joseph
Brevitt M.D. Licentiate in Midwifery, Member of the Cor-
poration of Surgeons in London, and late Medical and
Chirurgical Practitioner In the British Army in Europe
and the W. Indies——author of the "History of Anatomy,"
&c. "Medicine is God's second cause of Health." Balti-
more: Published by Hunter & Robinson. 96, Market-street.
1810. J. Robinson, print.
252 p. 16.5 cm. A-U6 W6.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, June
21, 1810, as "In the Press, And shortly will be pub-
MWA; MdBE; MdBM; MdHi; MdU-M; PPCP. [821]
Brooke, Henry.
Brooke's Fool of Quality; or, the History of Henry,
Earl of Moreland. First American, (From the Third Lon-
don Edition.) In two Volumes. Vol. I[-II]. Baltimore:
Published and sold by J. Kingston, Bookseller, no. 164,
Market-street, and by all the principal Booksellers in
the United States. Edward Matchett, Printer. 46, N.
Charles-street, [filet] 1810.
2 v. 17 cm. vol. 1: [A]2 B-U6 W-2F6 [2G]2; vol.
2: A-2E6 2F4.
MB; MBAt; MBL; MWA (v.2 only); MWfo; MdHi (v.l only);
NjP; PPL; ViRU (v.2 only); ViU (v.l lacks sig. 20).
Campbell, Thomas.
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. Including