schiedene Texte aus der Heillgen Schrift. [short thick-
thin rule-) Von Dr. Christian Ludwig Becker, Prediger
der Hochdeutsch-Reformirten Gemeine zu Baltimore.
[thick-thin rule] Baltimore, Gedruckt bey Magill und
Cleim. 1810.
264 p. 16.5 cm. [A]4 B-Y6 Z2.
Seidensticker p. 177. Reichmann 115.
MWA; MdBE; MoWgT; NjP; P; PHI; PLT; PPeSchw. [8l7]
Bible. N.T.
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ. Translated out of The Original Greek, and with
the former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised.
[thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Published & sold by John
Hagerty, No. 12, Light-street. [row of dots] Brook W.
Sower, Printer. [row of dots] 1810.
[192] p. 13.5 cm. A-Q6.
MdBP; MdHi (2 copies); NN. [818]
Bisset, Robert.
The History of the Reign of George III. to the Termi-
nation of the late War. To which is prefixed, a View of
the progressive Improvement of England, in Prosperity
and Strength, to the Accession of His Majesty. In four
Volumes. [thick-thin rule] By Robert Bissett, LL.D.
Author of the "Life of Burke," &c. &c. [thin-thick
rule] A new Edition. Vol. I. [thin-thick rule] Pub-
lished by Edward J. Coale, Baltimore. [filet] T. L.
Plowman, Printer. 1810.
vil, 543 p. 20.5 cm. [A]4 B-3Z4.
Frontispiece: portrait of George III.
Three other volumes were published in l8ll,
MBr; MdBJ; MdBAL; MdHi NN; NNUT; NWM; ViAl. [8l9]
Booth, William.
A Catalogue of Kitchen Garden Seeds and Plants; Phys-
ical Seeds and Plants; and Seeds to Improve Land; Fruit
Trees & Fruits; Annual, Biennial and Perennial Flowers;
Herbaceous Plants and Bulbous Roots; Forest Trees, Flow-
ering Shrubs and Evergreens; Green-house and Stove
Plants. Sold by William Booth, Nursery and Seeds-man,
Frederick-Town-Road, half a Mile from Baltimore. [short
thick-thin rule] Catalogues to be had at the Nursery,
where all Orders will be executed with the greatest
punctuality and dispatch: Also at Mr. George Ackerman's