1809, as "Just Published ... Containing all the New
Songs, particularly those sung at the Theatre, now open
in this city, and copies of pieces from Mr. Carr's music
RPB; PPL-R (lacks t.p.).
Issued also with New Joke upon Joke (Item 775) with
continuous paging and signatures; text and engraved t.p.
MWA. [745]
Hunter & Robinsons's Circulating Library.
[Catalogue of upwards of 2000 volumes. Baltimore, J.
Robinson? l809]
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Oct. 27,
1809, as "Catalogues will be ready for delivery next
Tuesday;" and on Nov. 6, 1809, as "Catalogues ready ...
upwards of 2000 volumes ... but as nearly 500 volumes
have been received since it was put to press, an exten-
sive supplement will shortly be added."
No copy known. [746]
Hunter & Robinson's Circulating Library.
[First supplement to their Catalogue. Baltimore, J.
Robinson? l809]
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Dec. 5,
1809, as "the first Supplement to their Catalogue is now
ready for delivery."
No copy known. [747]
Jones, Stephen.
Sheridan Improved. [short thick-thin rule-) A gener-
al pronouncing and explanatory Dictionary of the English
language: for the use of Schools, Foreigners learning
English, &c. In which it has been attempted to improve
on the plan of Mr. Sheridan; The Discordancies of that
celebrated OrthoUpist being avoided, and his Improprie-
ties corrected. [short double rule] By Stephen Jones,
Author of the new Biographical Dictionary and the Histo-
ry of Poland. [short double rule] First Baltimore Edi-
tion, [short double rule] [2 lines, quotation] [thick-
thin rule] Baltimore: Printed and sold by Warner & Han-
na, At the Bible and Heart Printing Office. [short
rule, 1809.
480 p. 14 cm. A-2R6.
MdBE. [748]