Militia of Maryland." and founded upon a political piece
published in The Federal Republican, disputing the Poli-
cy of a Measure of,Government. [short thick-thin rulej
Baltimore, March, 1809. Printed by J. Robinson.
1 leaf, 56 p. 22 cm. [A]2(-A2) B-H1*.
Sabin 30261.
DLC; MBAt; MH-L; MdBB; MdBD; MdBS; MdHi; MdBP; NH1;
PPIU. Garrett. [742]
Hillhouse, James,
Mr. Hillhouse's Speech, in the Senate, December 21,
On the Bill making further provision for enforcing the
Embargo. [at end] Printed by J. Robinson, office of
the Federal Republican, Baltimore. cl809]
16 p. 21 cm. B-[C]4.
Caption title.
Sabin 31884 (note).
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, Jan.
9, 1809, as "This Day Published, (In a Pamphlet—-Price
12 1-2 cents.) And for sale ... Mr. Hillhouse's Speech,
on Mr. Giles's Bill."
The speech was printed in full in the Federal Repub-
lican, Jan. 4, 1809.
DS; MB; MHi; MWA; MdHi; MeB; NNC; NNU-W; PHi. [743]
Hillhouse, James.
Mr. Hillhouse's Speech, in the Senate. Monday, Feb-
ruary 21, 1809. On Mr. Giles' Non-Intercourse Bill.
[Baltimore? Office of the Federal Republican? l809]
12 p. 21 cm. [a]4 [b]2.
Caption title.
Sabin 31884 (note).
Imprint attributed on basis of close similarity of
layout and typography to items 637, 743, 782.
Probably printed by Joseph Robinson.
MWA. [744]
The Humming Bird, A Collection of New Favourite &
National Songs. [rule] [cut: woman mourning dead Iover3
[rule] Baltimore—Printed and Sold by——Warner & Han-
na. 1809.
107. [5] P. 14 cm. [a]l A-C18.
Without music.
Ingraved t.p.
Price 57 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Oct. 21,