Baltimore: Printed by John West Butler, for John Hagerty
and John Kingston. [short thick-thin rule] 1808.
24 p. 18 en. A-B6.
MWA. [694.,
[Wesley, John]
Salvation by Faith: a Sermon, [Baltimore, John W.
Butler, 1808]?
12 p. 18 cm. A6.
Caption title.
Attributed to Wesley by Halkett & Laing.
Imprint supplied by MWA on basis of similarity of
format and identity of "finis" ornament with that used
by Butler in Wesley's Principles of a Methodist, Doc-
trine of Salvation, etc.
MWA. [695]
Wesley, John.
Wandering Thoughts; a Sermon on 2. Corinthians, chap.
x. verse 4. [short thick-thin rule] By John Wesley,
M.A. [short thin-thick rule-, [thick-thin rule] Balti-
more: Printed by John W. Butler, for John Hagerty and
John Kingston. [short thick-thin rule-, 1808.
12 p. 18 cm. A6.
MWA. 16963
Adams, John.
The Correspondence of John Adams, Esquire, late Pres-
ident of the United States of America; concerning the
British Doctrine of Impressment; and many interesting
things which occurred during his Administration: [short
thick-thin rule] Originally published in the Boston Pa-
triot. [short thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Published at
the Office of the Evening Post, by H. Niles.—September
15. 1809. [row of dots] G. Dobbin and Murphy, Print-
72 p. 22.5 cm. [A]2 B-I4 K2.
Sabin 238.
MdBE copy has "Partiot" for "Patriot"; first issue?
CSmH; DLC (2 copies); DS; MWA; MdBE; MdBF; MdHi;
MiD-B; NN; NNP; PHI; PPL; ScU; Tx; WHi. [697]