John Kingston. [short thick-thin rule] 1808.
16 p. 18 cm. A6 B2.
Attributed to Wesley by HaIkett & Laing.
OClWHi. [690]
[Wesley, John]
A Compendium of Logic. [short thick-thin rule3
Fourth Edition, enlarged. [short thin-thick rule3
[rule] [row of printing ornaments] Baltimore; Printed
by John West Butler, for Messrs. John Hagerty, John
Kingston, and Abner Neal. [short thick-thin rule3
1808. (Price twenty-five cents.)
48 p. 18 cm. A-D6.
Included in Wesley's Works. 3th ed. London, 1860-
63. v. 14, p. 161-189.
MWA; OClWHi. [691]
[Wesley, John]
Directions to Penitents and Believers for renewing
their Covenant with God. [filet] The Tenth Edition.
[filet] [rule-, [row of printing ornaments] Baltimore:
Printed for J. Hagerty & J. Kingston, by J. W. Butler.
[row of dots] 1808.
19 P- 17-5 cm. A6 B4.
Attributed to Wesley by Halkett & Laing.
MWA. t692]
[Wesley, John]
The Doctrine of Salvation, Faith and Good Works, ex-
tracted from the Homilies of the Church of England.
[short thick-thin rule] By a Clergyman of the Church of
England, [short thin-thick rule] Fifteenth Edition.
[rule] [row of printing ornamentsj Baltimore: Printed
by John W. Butler, for J. Kingston, 164, Market-street.
[short rule] 1808.
18 p. 18 cm. A8(A4+'A4').
Attributed to Wesley by Halkett & Laing.
MWA; MdBD; MdBE. [693]
Wesley, John.
The Principles of a Methodist. Occasioned by a
Pamphlet, entitled. A brief History of the Principles of
Methodism. [short thick-thin rule] By John Wesley,
M.A. late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. [short
thin-thick rule] [rule] [row of printing ornaments ]