Baltimore: Printed for George Keatinge's Book-store.
[26] p. 17 cm. [a]2 [b]4 [c]2 [d]4(2-1).
Advertised in the Baltimore American. Nov. 27, 1601,
together with the following item.
MWA. [3]
Almanacs. Maryland.
Keatinge s Maryland Almanac, for the Year of our Lord
1802: Being the sixth after Bissextile or Leap Year: and
the 27th of American Independence after the 4th of July.
To which Is added The Names of the Officers of the Fed-
eral and State Government. With A Number of entertain-
ing stories. [cut: two men supporting coat of arms]
Baltimore: Printed for George Keatinge's Book-store.
[34] p. l8 cm. [a]2 [b]4 [d]4 [e]4.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Nov. 27, 1801,
as "This Day Is Published." [4],
Almanacs. Maryland.
[frame of printing ornaments] The Maryland and Vir-
ginia Almanac for the Year of our Lord, 1802. Being the
6th after Bissextile, or Leap-Year; and the 26th or
American Independence. Calculated to the Meridian of
the Middle States. Containing, Besides the usual Astro-
nomical Calculations, [3 lines] Also, A great variety
of Instructive and Useful Matter. In Prose and Verse.
[rule] [cut: grapes and wheat-sheaf] [thick-thin rule]
Baltimore: Printed and Sold by Bonsal and Niles, No.
173, Market-Street.. [l801]
[40] p. 18.5 cm. [A]4 B2 C-F4/2 H2.
MWA; ICU. [5]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[thin-thick rule frame] Der Neue Hoch Deutsche Amer-
icanische Calender, auf das Jahr Christi 1802, Welches
ein Gemein Jahr von 365 Tagen ist. Darin enthalten Die
Wochen- Monats- und Merkwuridge Tage, des Monden Auf-
und Untergang; seine Zeichen, Grade, und Viertel; die
Aspecten der Planeten, samt der Witterung; des Siebenge-
stirns Aufgang, Sudplatz, und Untergang; Auf- und Unter-
gang der Sonne, &c, Eingerichtet vor 40 Grad Norder-
Breite, sonderlich vor Pennsylvanien und Maryland; je-