Almanacs. Maryland.
[frame of printing ornaments] The Annual Visitor:
or, Almanac, for the Year of our Lord 1802. Being the
6th after Bissextile, or Leap-Year; and The 26th of
American Independence. Calculated to the Meridian of
the Middle States. Containing, Besides the usual Astro-
nomical Calculations, [5 lines] Also, a great Variety
of Instructive and Useful Matter. In Prose and Verse.
[thlck-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed for Thomas, An-
drews and Butler, in Market-Street. [1801]
[36], p. 16.5 cm. [A]4 B2 C-F4/2.
ICU (imperfect); MWA; MdBE (sig. Al-3 lacking). [1]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[The Baltimore Pocket Almanac for 1802, containing,
besides astronomical calculations, blank pages for memo-
randums. Baltimore, Bonsai and Niles, l801]
Advertised in the Baltimore Republican, Jan. 2, 1802,
as "Just Published, By Bonsall and Niles." [2]
Almanacs. Maryland.
The Jefferson Almanac, for the Year of our Lord 1802:
Being the sixth after Bissextile or Leap Year: and the
27th of American Independence after the 4th of July. To
which is added The Names of the Officers of the Federal
and State Government. Entertaining stories With Matthew
Lyon's letter to Citizen John Adams. [filet] In my edi-
tion of this Almanac for the year 1801, I pledged myself
to give the Purchaser an Almanac for 1802 in case Thomas
Jefferson was not elected President of the United States.
I intend annually to continue its Publication, George
Keatinge, [cut: shield, helmet, etc, on floral back-
ground] The Spirit of 1776 pervades the Land. [filet]