U. S. President (Jefferson)
(.Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, with his Address
in the Senate Chamber, 1801, en taking the Oath of Office
as President. Baltimore, l801]
Sabin 35884 is the only authority for this item.
No copy known. [60]
U. S. President (Jefferson)
[ornamental border] Speech of Thomas Jefferson,
President of the Vnited States—delivered at his Inaug-
uration, March 4, 1801. [filet] Friends & Fellow-Citi-
sens, [3 columns, 68 lines each] [Baltimore] W. Pechin
—Printer. [1801]
broadside 37 x 29 cm. On silk.
MdHi (imperfect). [6l]
H. S. President (Jefferson)
[frame of printing ornaments], Speech of Thomas Jef-
ferson, President of the United States, delivered in the
Senate Chamber, March 4th, 1801. [64 lines in double
columns] Hagerstown, J. J. Ray, Printer. [imprint
within border] [l801]
broadside 57 x 45.5 cm.
DLC. [62]
Watts, Isaac.
Divine Songs, attempted in easy Language for the Use
of Children. [rule] By I. Watti, D.D. [rule] [3
lines, quotation [thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed
by Warner & Hanna, No. 37, Market-Street, corner of
South Gay-Street. 180l.
vi, [2], 62 p. 13.5 cm. [A]4 B4 B28 B36, 2B4
2B28 2B32,
Last leaf blank, pasted down to cover.
Resenbach 273.
PP. C63]
[Weems, Mason Locke]
The Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington,
General and Commander of the Armies of America. [filet]
A New Edition Corrected. [thick-thin rule] Frederick-
Town, Printed by H. Bartgis. 1801.
68, [2] p. 15.5 cm. [a-b]18.
sabin 102482. Weems 5.