(Minick 411).
Without music.
RFB. (56)
U. S. Census.
Schedule of the whole number of Persons in the Dis-
trict of Maryland. [table of 14 columns of varying
sixes, separated by rules] Baltimore, December 21st,
1801. Reuben Btting, Marshal of the District of Mary-
land. [Baltimore, 1801]?
broadside 44.5 * 27 ern. Without imprint.
"Abstract of the whole number of Persons in the Dis-
trict of Maryland": table of 13 columns printed narrow
way of sheet.
Possibly a Washington imprint; on the verse of the
MH1 copy are printed letters of transmittal, from Etting
to Madison (Dec. 21, 1801) and from Jefferson to Con-
gress (Dee. 23, 1801).
DLC; MHi. [57]
U. S. President (Jefferson)
The Address of Thomas Jefferson, to the Senate, the
Members of the House of Representatives, the Public Offi-
cers, and a large Concourse of Citizens. Delivered In
the Senate Chamber, on the 4th day of March, 1801, on
his taking the Oath of Office, as President of the Unit-
ed States of America. [filet] Baltimore: Printed for
Keatinge's Book-Store, 1801.
8 p. 20.5 cm. A4.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Mar. 23, 1801,
as "For sale."
DLC; MHi; Md-LR; MdHi. [58]
U. S. President (Jefferson)
The Address of Thomas Jefferson, to the Senate, the
Members of the House of Representatives, the Public Offi-
cers, and a large Concourse of Citizens. Delivered in
the Senate Chamber, en the 4th day ef March, 1801, on
his taking the Oath of Office, as President of the Unit-
ed States of America. [filet] Baltimore: Printed and
Sold by W. Pechin, corner of Gay and Water-streets.
8 p. 22 cm. A4.
Sabin 35879.
MB; MBGCT; MWA; MdBP; MdHi; MiD-B; PPAmP. [59]