94 p. 26 cm. [A]2 B-Z^ 2A2(-2A2).
Session from Nov. 3 to Dec. 19, 1800.
DLC; MdHi (t.p. photostat). £44]
Maryland. General Assembly. Senate.
Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of
Maryland. [thick-thin rule] November Session, One
Thousand Eight Hundred. [thin-thick rule] Being the
fifth Session of the fifth Senate. [filet] Annapolis:
Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the State. [l801]
51 p. 26 cm. (-A-,2 B-N2.
Session from Nov. 3 to Dec. 19, l800.
DLC; MdHi. [45]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
tAn Act to regulate the inspection of tobacco. An-
napolis, F. Green, l801?]
"On motion, the question was put, That the printer to
the state strike Immediately eighty copies, In pamph-
lets, of the act of assembly, entitled, An act to regu-
late the inspection of tobacco, for the use of the levy
courts and the several inspectors of tobacco in this
state?"—House V. & P., Nov. sess. 1801, p. 93 (Dec. 22)
Resolved in the affirmative.
Printed in chap. LXIII, Maryland Laws, Nov. sess.
1801, covering 12 pages.
No copy known. [46]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
Laws of Maryland, made and passed at a Session of As-
sembly, "begun and held at the City of Annapolis on Mon-
day the third of November, In the Year of Our Lord One
Thousand Bight Hundred. [short thick-thin rule] Pub-
lished by Authority. [short thin-thick rule] [filet]
Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the
State. [l8015
[78] p. 26 cm. [a]l A-T2.
Session from Nov. 2 to Dec. 19, 1800.
Advertised in the Annapolis Maryland Gazette, Jan.
29, 1801, as "Just Published."
CSfLaw; CSmH; Ia; IaU-L; MdBJ; FldBE; MdBP (t.p. pho-
tostat); MdHi; Mi-L; Nv. ^7.,
Maryland. Trustee of the State {Benjamin Harwood)
[Letter of the 3d instant, enclosing an account cur-