Lyon, Mathew.
Letter from Mathew Lyon, late Representative in Con-
gress from the State of Vermont to Citizen John Adams,
[fllet] To which is added, Extracts from the Speech of
President Adams, On his taking the Oath of Office.
[thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed for Geo. Keat-
inge's Book-store, [fllet] M.DCCCI.
12 p. 18.5 cm. Without signature.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Mar. 23, 1801,
as "For sale."
MdHi. [42]
Maryland. Auditor-general (Robert Denny)
To the honourable the General Assembly of Maryland.
Gentlemen, The auditor begs leave to lay before your
honours the following accounts, viz. [8 lines] He has
the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient humble ser-
vant, Robert Denny, Auditor-general. Auditor's Office,
Annapolis, November 5. 1801. [Annapolis, F. Green,
broadside 31.5 x 19 cm. Without imprint.
A letter to accompany two reports: 1) the account of
the Treasurer of the Western Shore and 2) an estimate of
the state debt, both to Nov. 1, l801.
Apparently the item referred to in the House of Dele-
gates Votes & Proc., Nov. sess. 1801, p. 9 (Nov. 6) as
follows: "The speaker laid before the house a letter
from the auditor, enclosing accounts from the 1st Novem-
ber, 1800, to the 1st November, 1801; which was read."
No order to print was found, but on the previous day
(Nov. 5) the Committee of Claims had reported an exami-
nation of the accounts of Thomas Harwood, Treasurer of
the Western Shore; and on the same day (Nov. 6) It was
"Ordered, That the printer to the state strike one hun-
dred copies for the use of the general assembly." —
House V. & P., Nov. sess. 1301, p. 9.
MH [43]
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates.
Votes and Proceedings of the House of Delegates of
the State of Maryland. [thick-thin rule] November Ses-
sion, One Thousand Eight Hundred. [thin-thick rule]
Being the first Session of this Assembly. [filet] An-
naPolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the
State. 1801]