[filet] Si, qui medicinam exercent, artis salutaris
decus sustinerent, facultati medicae honorem homines ha-
berent. [rule] [row of printing ornaments] Baltimore:
Printed by John West Butler, corner of Gay and Water
Streets. [short thick-thin rule] 1805.
30 p. 22 cm. [A]4 B-D4(-D4).
DSG; MdBJ-W; MdBLC; MdBM. [345]
Defoe, Daniel.
The Life and most surprizing Adventures of Robinson
Crusoe, of York, Mariner. Containing A full and partic-
ular Account how he lived twenty eight Years in an unin-
habited Island on the Coast of America: How his Ship was
lost in a storm, and all his Companions drowned; and how
he was cast upon the Shore by the wreck; with a true Re-
lation how he was at last miraculously preserved by Pi-
rates. Faithfully epitomized from the three volumes.
[thick-thin ruleD Baltimore——Printed by Warner & Hanna
No. 37, Corner of South Gay & Market-streets. [short
thick-thin rule] 1805.
144 p. 14.5 cm. A-D18.
Frontispiece: 2 cuts.
CtY; DLC; MWA; MdBE, M1U. C[346]
Duke, William.
A View of the Woods: a Poem. [thick-thin rule] By
the Rev. W. Duke. [thin-thlck rule] [3 lines, quota-
tion] [filet] Baltimore: Printed by Cole & Hewes.
16 p. 18.5 cm. A6 B2.
MWA; MdBD; MdHi; NN; NNC (imperfect); PHi. [347]
Dwight, Timothy.
A Sermon on Duelling, preached in the Chapel of Yale
College, New-Haven September 9th, 1804, and in the old
Presbyterian Church, New-York, January 21st, 1805. [fi-
Iet] By Timothy Dwight, D.D. President of Yale College.
[filet] Baltimore: Printed and sold by Fryer and Clark.
[row of dots] 1805.
28 p. 20 cm. [A]4 B-C4 D2.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Aug. 10, 1805,
as "Just Published and for sale."
MdBP. [348]
Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Virginia.
Protocoll der Special-Conferenz der Evang. Luth. Leh-