Baltimore......Printed and sold by Cole & Hewes......
Charles-Street. 1805.
iv, 1-12. ,[17]-103, [9] P. 13.5 x 23 cm. [A]2 B4
C2 D-04 [P]4.
Includes music for the hymns and canticles.
"Appendix containing the Chants, Responces, &c. of
the Morning, Evening and Communion Services, as per-
formed at Christ Church and St. Paul's, Baltimore":
sig. P.
ICN; NNUT; PP1W. [342]
Colvin, John B.
A Magistrate's Guide; and Citizen's Counsellor: being
a digested Abstract of those Laws of the State of Mary-
land most necessary to be known, and most useful to com-
mon transactions of Life. Interspersed with a Variety
of practical Forms and Precedents; for the Use of Jus-
tices of the Peace and others. [filet] By John B. Col-
vin. [thick-thin rule] Frederick-Town, (Md.) 1805.
352, xvi p. 21 cm. [A]4 B-2U4 (includes sig. V,
Advertised in the Frederick Republican Advocate, Aug.
2, 1805, as "Just from the Press."
MdBJ; MdBP; MdBS; MdHi (2 copies); MdU; MnU; NN; OC1WH1;
PHI; PP; PPL; ViU-L. [343]
Companion and Weekly Miscellany.
The Address of the Carriers of the Companion to its
Patrons, [above on cut: plaque supported on pedestal by
cherubs and goddess] on the Commencement of the year
1806. [62 lines of rhyming verse, separated by vertical
double rule] [Baltimore, l805]
broadside 24 x 21 cm. Without imprint.
Dated 1805 because of these lines: "Thus would I
cheer the lagging hours away, Hoping for my reward on
New Year's Day."
MdBP (bound at beginning of vol. 2 of the Companion).
Davidge, John Beale.
An Oration, delivered before, and published by the
Request of the Medical Faculty of Maryland, at their
last Biennial Congress, in the City of Baltimore, on the
6th day of June, 1805; by John B. Davidge, A.M. M.D.