Ann Rawlings on March 28, 1793,25 ana a daughter,
Henrietta Maria, was born on October 2, 1794.26
All these circumstances must have caused him,
when he had a chance to become the proprietor of the
old and established Maryland Journal, to take advantage
of the opportunity, He secured the name, and doubt-
less the subscriptior list and good will of the
Maryland Journal, He merged his original newspaper
with it and on January 1, 1795, began the publication
of a daily newspaper, with the imposing title of the
Maryland Journal and Baltimore Universal Daily Adver-
tiser, under the imprint of Philip Edwards and Company,
Philip Edwards, John W. Allen, and W. C. Smythe,
New Editors of the Maryland Journal. Who the "com-
pany" who sponsored Edwards' new undertaking were, is
uncertain, but Francis Brumfield may have retained an
interest in the newspaper. This seems possible in
view of the wording of the editorial in the first
issue after the change of publisher: "The editors
of this paper having apprized their numerous sub-
scribers of their intended junction, come forward
with their congratulations on the prospect of another
year."27 The "company", too, may have included
25 U. S. Veterans administration, Pension records.
Ann Edwards, widow of Philip Edwards.
26 Baltimore. St, Paul's Protestant Episcopal church.
Register, v. 1, p. 298.
27 Maryland journal. January 1, 1798.