publication a profitable enterprise, for in the fall
Of 1793, he proposed publishing a periodical, the
Monthly Mirrors or Maryland Museum,21 but if this mag-
azine was ever published, no codes can be located
today. In the meantime, Edwards' bock publishing busi-
ness was growing; he was the first printer known to
have laid before the public An Act for Incorporating;
Baltimore Town, in Baltimore County, into a City,22
published In 1794 "for consideration," only; for the
actual Incorporation of Baltimore did not take place
until 1796. On September 12 he advertised as "just
published and for sale ... with a variety of other new
publications ... an assortment of children's books"23.
While no printer's name appears on the imprint, it is
very likely that the Famous History of Sir Richard
Whittington and his Cat,24 printed for John Fisher,
stationer, of Baltimore, is one of the publications
then announced.
Edwards seemed to be establishing himself securely
In the printing business. His daily newspaper was going
well, and he was progressively printing more books and
pamphlets. He had a wife and family; he was married to
21 Appendix A Imprint bibliography, item 131.
22 Appendix A Imprint bibliography, item 188.
23 Edwards's Baltimore daily advertisor. September 12, 1794.
24 Appendix A. Imprint bibliography, item 170.