Baltimore library company... , ......... ....... page 45
——— . Catalogue of the books, &c.
belonging to the Library company of
Baltimore ................................. pages 84-85,
items 336,406
Baltimore lodge, no. 22, Freemasons ......... page 124
Baltimore. Marine insurance office.
Whereas it is contemplated to es-
tabliah an office or society for
insurance in the city of Baltimore ....... item 470
Baltimore marine society .................. page 23
Baltimore. New Jerusalem church........page 50
——— , Sermon at the opening of the; on the
true object and nature of Christian
worship, by the Rev. John Hargrove ........ item 563
Baltimore, New Theatre.................... pages 145-146
——— . Last night but one [bill for]
December 2, 1795 ................... . item 216
——— . Last week of performance [theatre
bill: Seignior Falconi, Imaginary sick
man, Rope dancer, etc.] ............. ......... item l43
——— . Mr. l'Estrange (prompter) & Miss
l'Estrange's night. [bill for January
21,1799 ....................................... item 471
——— . New theatre [bill for] August 24, 1795 ... ,. item 214
——— . New theatre [bill for] December 1, 1795 ... item 215
——— . New theatre [bill for] December 3, 1795 ... item 217
——— . New theatre [bill for] October 12, 1796 . item 268
——— . New theatre [bill for] October 24, 1796 . item 269
——— . New theatre [bill for] May 17, 1797 .... item 337
——— . New theatre [bill for] May 18, 1797 .... item 338
——— . New theatre [bill for] May 22, 1797 .... item 339
Baltimore news-post ............................... page 73
Baltimore, Plan of, published by George
Keatinge ........... , . , ..................... item 364
Baltimore, Population of ....................... . page 221
Baltimore post office ........................... page 67
Baltimore postbote ........................... pages 505,506
Baltimore primer ....................... item 147
Baltimore, Printing in .............................pages Iff
Baltimore repository, 1800 ......................... page 131,
items 474, 475
——————— ,1801 . , ..... , ....... , . , ..... page 132,
item 555