Baltimore. Commercial fire company.
Articles for the government of the
Commercial fire company of Baltimore.........
Baltimore county. Tax commissioners. Notice
is hereby given that the commissioners of
the tax ... will meet at the Court house ..... item 270
Baltimore. Customs office ....... pages 4-5, 85-86
Baltimore daily gazette and Federal intelligencer,
see Federal intelligencer, Baltimore.
Baltimore daily intelligencer ............pages 34-35
—————— ., 1793 .................. item 103
—————— , 1794 .................. item 144
——— . New-year's verses, January 1, 1794 .... item 145
Baltimore daily repository............
—————— , 1791 .................. item 2
——————— , 1792 .................. item 46
—————— , 1793 .................. item 104
——— . Mew-year verses, addressed, to the patrons
of the Baltimore daily repository, 1792 ..... item 47
Baltimore, December 10. Further particulars
(of a conflict between General St. Clair's
army and the Indians......item 3
Baltimore directory...... pages 5, 49-50
—————— , 1796 .................. item 321
—————— , 1799 .................. page 129,
item 525
—————— , 1800 and 1801 ............. item 617
Baltimore equitable society. Constitution or
deed of settlement...............item 146
32, 117
—————— , 1792 ................... item 48
—————— , 1793 .................. item 105
Baltimore federal blues (militia company) ..... page 42
Baltimore. Female humane association. Plan of
the Female humane association charity school ... item 57^
Baltimore. First Presbyterian church .......... page 79
Baltimore gazette, see Federal gazette, Baltimore.
Baltimore, incorporation of ....... ..... page 21
Baltimore intelligencer pages 42, 56ff ,
65, 92
—————— , 1798 .......item 410
—————— , 1799 ................... item 473