almanac; / or / Baltimore ephemeris: / for the year
of Our Lord, / - 1798; - / being the second after
leap-year. / - Containing - / [first column begins]
the rising, setting, places / and eclipses of the
sun and / moon; the phases, place of the / ascend-
ing node, latitude and / southing of the moon; the
pla- / ces and aspects of the planets, / (includ-
ing the lately discovered / planet, Georgian);
the rising / setting, and southing of the / planets,
and of the most conspi- / cuous fixed stars; con-
Junctions / of the planets with fixed stars; / all
the visible eclipses of Ju- / piter's first satel-
lite; the con- / junctions of the moon with all /
[ornamental rule] / [second column begins] stars
not less than the fourth / magnitude, which can
be as / certained [?] anywhere in Ame- / rica; the
equation of time, / true within half a second, for/
the noon of every day in the / year; and, (in the
preface) / rules for finding the rising, / setting,
and southing of any / fixed star, for any day in
the / Year, not set down in the ca- / lendar, and
for finding the / length, increase or decrease of /
any day in the year. [second column ends] / Like-
wise, / a variety of pieces in prose & verse. /
[rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by W. Pechin, No. 15. / For
John Hagerty, No. 104, and / Thomas, Andrews &
Butler, / No. 184, Market-street. // [1797]
12°. 18 cm. 1 illus.
Pages: [36]
Signatures: [A]6, B6-C6.
Title enclosed by ornamental rule.
Advertised in the October 31, 1797 issue of the
Telegraphe and daily advertiser as "just published."
Preface dated Sharon, Montgomery county (Mary-
land) 7th of second month, 1797.
Evans 31867.
MWA, MdHi.
Carroll, James
Reflections / on the / proposition to communi-
cate, / by a / navigable canal, / the waters of
Chesapeake with / those of Delaware bay, / ad-
dressed / to the / citizens of Maryland. /To
which is prefixed the bill, as / published for
consideration / by order of the House / of dele-
gates. / [rule] /