eineit rabbi und obersten der / Jude'n, welcher
offentlich tekannte, dass / Chris tus Gottes Sohn
sey; / Aus des Herrn Philippi Kegelii auhang zum
geist- / lichen wegweiser nach dem himmlischen /
vaterland, &c. genommen. / [rule] / Wie dann
auch / die ercchrecklichen straf en und plagen
der / zwolf judischen stamine. / [rule] /
Hagerstaun, (Maryland) / Gedruckt und zu haben
bey Johann Gruber, / 1796. // [i.e. 1797]
12°. 17 1/2 cm.
Pagos: ci-iiia, iv-vi, [7], 8-60, [6l], 62-99,
l p.] 10]3, 106. [107]. 108-116.
Signatures: [A]312 B6-F6, H6-I6, K6-S6.
Title enclosed by double rule.
Second title, on verso of p. 99: Testament und
abschrift / der / zwolf patriarchen, / der /
sohnen Jacobs, / wie ein jeder von seinem ende
seine kinder gelehrt, / und zur furcht Gottes und
gottseligem leben ver- / mahnet hat, / &c. /
cdesigno / [double rule] / Hagerstaun, Gedruckt
boy Johann Gruber. / 1797. //
"Econonia dos vollkonnenen berichts einor
Christlichen haushaltung, gestcllot durch hrn.
Johann era Matthesiuin" : p. [l06]-116.
Evans 30089.
MdEE , Zimmerman .
Bradinan , Arthur .
A Narrative of the extraordinary sufferings
of Robert Forbcs, his wife and five children;
during an unfortunate journey through the wilder-
ness from Canada to Kennebeck river, in which
three of their children were starved to death.
To which is added, a Narrative of the captivity
and escape of Mrs. Francos Scott, an inhabitant
of Washington county, Virginia.
Elizabeth (Hager's) Town: Printed by Thomas.
Grieves, near the Court-house. 1797.
Advertised in the September 7, 1797 issue of
the Maryland herald and Elizabeth-Town advertiser
as "Just published and for sale at this office
price six pence."
Evans 31864.
No copy located.