country ... / [Three linos of text] / Resolved
unanimously, That to perpetuate this valuable
present in the most striking view to posterity,
it be printed and published with the / Laws of
this session.,, [Three lines of text ] / Resolved
unanimously, that it is the earnest prayer of the
Legisla- / ture of Maryland, that the President,
in his contemplated retirement, may / find all
the blessings of domestic happiness, and live to
experience the salutary / principles of his admin-
istration, operating through his successors to
encrcase / the independence, prosperity and wel-
fare of the American people. / By order, W. Har-
wood, clk. //
[Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1796]
broadside: 33 1/2 x 20 cm.
Evans 30747.
Maryland. General assembly. House of delegates.
[double rule] / Votes and proceedings / of
the / House of delegates / of the / state of Mary-
land. / November session, 1795. / Being the first
session of this assembly. /...//
[Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1796]
folio. 34 cm.
Pages: [1], 2-105.
Signatures: A2-I2, K2-T2, V2, X2-Z2, Aa2-Bb2,
Caption title.
Evans 30749.
DLC, Md, MdHi, NN, Garrett.
Maryland. General assembly. Senate,
[double rule] / Votes and proceedings / of
the / Senate / of the / state of Maryland. / Nov-
ember session, 1795. / Being the sixth session of
the fourth senate. / ... //
[Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1796]
folio. 30 cm.
Pages [1], 2-50.
Signatures: A2-I2, K2-M2 N1.
Caption title.
Evans 30750.
DLC, Md, MdHi.