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History of Printing in Maryland, 1791-1800 with a Bibliography of Works Printed in the State During the Period by Rachel A. Minick
Volume 439, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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a large number of papers were struck off and "distrib-
uted (gratis) to the citizens of Baltimore Town, Fell's
Point, lee. &e. by careful persons employed for the pur-

With his third number, on March 6, Allen made the
following announcements

having his apparatus in complete order, and be-
ing furnished with handsome materials, they will
tsteem the commands of his friends, whether mer-
cantile, agricultural, or scientific, as truly
estimable, and which shall be executed with pre-
cision and as speedy as possible.37

No issue of the Fell's Point Telegraphe after June
1, 1795, has been located. It could hardly have con-
tinued long after that date, for Alien's name appears
as joint owner of the Maryland Journal on June 18. It
is possible that the Fell's Point Telegrapho, in spite
of the attractiveness of its well spaced quarto format,
and in spite of the experience of its editor, was just
another instance of the Baltimore public's refusal to
accept a newspaper which did not come to them every day,

On September 5, 1795, Edwards and Allen announced

His printing-office of the Maryland Journal will
be removed this day, to the house one door north
of Mr. Grant's Fountain Inn, Light-Street, The
winters Inform there [sic] patrons and the pub-
lic that the business in future will be carried
on at the above place with punctuality and dis-
patch. Handbills, at an hour's notice; all other

56 Ibid. February 25, 1795.

37 Fell's Point telegraphe. March 6, 1795.


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History of Printing in Maryland, 1791-1800 with a Bibliography of Works Printed in the State During the Period by Rachel A. Minick
Volume 439, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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