A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
70. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | House Of Delegates | Of The | State of
Maryland, | October Session, 1778. | Being the First Session of the Assembly, | ... [Annapolis,
Printed by Frederick Green, 1779.]
Folio. A-Y2. 44 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: (1)-87.
Leaf measures: n 1/4 x 7 1/4 inches.
The assembly was convened 26 October and adjourned 15 December, 1778.
Evans, 16336.
MdHS (imperfect.) BM. Md.Dioc.
71. ———— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | Senate | Of The | State of Maryland. |
October Session, 1778. | Being the First Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis: Printed by
Frederick Green, 1779.]
Sm. folio. A-I2. 18 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [1]-36.
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 7 inches.
The Assembly was in session 19 October to 15 December 1778.
Evans, 16338.
72. ———— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | House of Delegates | Of The | State of
Maryland. | March Session, 1779. | Being the Second Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis:
Printed by Frederick Green, 1779.]
Folio. Z2, Aa-Hh2. 18 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [88)-122.
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 71/4 inches.
The session was convened 2 March and ended as March 1779. Advertised as just published in the Maryland Gazette
on May 28,1779.
Evans, 16336.
No copy known.
73. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | Senate | Of The | State of Maryland. |
March Session, 1779. 1 Being the Second Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis, Printed by
Frederick Green, 1779.]
Sm. folio. K-N2, O1. 9 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: (37)-54.
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 7 inches.
The Assembly was convened on March 3 and adjourned on 25 March, 1779.
Evans: 16338. Waters, 433.
74. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | House Of Delegates | Of The | State of
Maryland, | July Session, 1779. | Being the Third Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis, Printed
by Frederick Green, 1779.]
Folio. H-Qq2 Rr1. 17 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: (123)-156.
Leaf measures: 12 3/4 x 7 1/4 inches.
The session began as July and ended 15 August 1779.
Evans, 16336.