Edward Langworthy, Teacher, Printer and Historian
hearing. This incident might indicate that Langworthy lacked courage
to stand up for his principles, but on the other hand Burke, who was
noted for his rugged, individualistic temperament, carried to extremes
his opposition to the apparent will of the majority.
Langworthy's career as a member of the Continental Congress ended
about April 12, 1779 under rather peculiar circumstances. He had been
reelected by the Georgia legislature on February 26, 1778 for a one year
term. However, he continued to attend and vote at sessions of Congress
after his legal term had expired in 1779 and it was not until his presence
was challenged by Henry Laurens in April that he left his seat. Clearly
he expected to be reelected, for as late as July 25 in a letter to John Jay,
President of Congress, he said that his commission was delayed because
of invasion and distress in Georgia.3 It is possible that he was either the
author of or closely connected with the publication of a series of articles
signed "Americanus" and "Cato" criticising Congress, particularly for
its delay in peace negotiations. The most definite evidence in proof of
this is the attack on his lodgings on the night of July 24, 1779 by a
crowd of Philadelphians and several soldiers who later defended their
action by claiming that they "saw the Cause of our Country Injured, by
sundry Publications, Signed Cato, etc., Traducing the Characters of
those who from the first, as well as in the worst of times, have Invari-
ably been its Support ....."4
His activities from the summer of 1779 to the beginning of 1785 are
difficult to trace because of lack of information. He was interested in
preserving materials concerning the Revolutionary history of his state,
but unfortunately his collection of manuscripts and books were destroyed
by fire during this period. During 1783 his attention was turned to trade
and perhaps through that means he raised the money with which to buy
a part share in Goddard's business.5 On January 26, 1785 the partner-
ship was announced in the Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser
together with the ambitious scheme to found a periodical called The
3 Papers of the Continental Congress, Xo. 78, Vol. XIV p. 271. Quoted in full in Burnett, Edward Langwort/ty in the
Continental Congress. In Georgia Historical Quarterly. Vol. XII (1928) pp. 232-233.
4 Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 78, Vol. III, f. 337. Quoted in Burnett, op. cit., p. 234.
5 See letter from Langworthy dated January 9, 1784 in which he mentions a trading voyage to Virginia. It is reprinted
in Leonard L. Mackall's Edward Langworthy and the first attempt to write a separate history of Georgia. In Georgia Historical
Quarterly. Vol. VII (1923), p. 7.
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