Continental Post-Office, 3.,
Conway, Sir Henry, No. 135.
Copper plate printing, 54.
Coulter, John, No. 461.
Cowan, James, 72-73; To the Public,
No. 496.
Cowley, Hannah, Belle's Stratagem,
No. 457.
Cradock, Doctor Thomas, No. 337.
Crawford, Charles, Liberty: a Pindaric
ode, No. 285.
Critical Dissertation on Noses, No. 106.
Cruse, Dr., No. 511.
Cruse, Englehart, Projector Detected,
No. 462.
Cumberland, Richard, West Indian,
No. 206, 243, 258, 260, 274n.
Daily Repository, 72.
Dance of Infernals, No. 202.
Davidson, John, No. 482; To the
Public, Nos. 463-4.
Day, M., 75.
Declaration of Independence, No. 29.
Denny, R., 15.
Deuce is in Him, Nos. 169, 176, 394.
Devil to Pay, Nos. 187-188.
Dialogue, between the Devil and George
III, No. 430.
Dielman, Louis H., viii, ix.
Dilworth, Thomas, New Guide to the
English Tongue, No. 87.
District of Columbia, 73.
Divine Call to that highly favoured
people the Jews, No. 547.
Dodsley, Robert, King and Miller of
Mansfield, Nos. 146-7, 155, 191.
Dorsett, James, 6.
Dorsey, Robert, No. 64n.
Doyle, Alexander, 75.
[ 213]
Duer, William, 38.
Duke, William, Hymn and Poems, No.
524; Methodist's Remonstrance No.
525; thoughts on Repentance, No.
Dulheuer, Henry, 71.
Dumfries, printing at, 74.
Dunlap, John, 49-51; 54; youth, 49;
starts paper, 49; establishes press in
Baltimore, 50; printer to Congress,
50; sells Maryland Gazette, 50; es-
tablished press at Richmond, 51.
Dunlap, William, Father, No. 520.
Dunlap' s Maryland Gazette; or, the Bal-
timore General Advertiser, 50, Nos. I,
34. See Maryland Gazette.
Easton, printing at, 72.
Echternach, Matthias, 57.
Elkridge paper mill, 6.
Ellicott, Andrew, 43-44, 53, No. 424,
almanacs compiled by, Nos. 102,
130, 133-4, 232, 303, 362a, 365, 399,
Ellicott's Mary land and Virginia Alma-
nack (1787), No. 399; (1789), No.
465; (1790), No. 498; (1791), No-
Ellicott's Pennsylvania, Delaware .....
Almanack (1785), No. 365.
Ellison, Patrick see Allison, Patrick.
Evans, Henry R., ix, xiv.
Expostulations of Potowmac, No. 4983.
Farquhar, George, Beaux' Stratagem,
Nos. 143, 150-152, 156; Constant
Couple, No. 245; Inconstant, No.
270; Recruiting Officer, No. I22n,
207; Stage-Coach, No. 274.
Fatal Discovery, Nos. 241, 278.