Carey, Matthew, 29-30.
Carrier's addresses, Humble Address of
Tobias Bond (1780), No. 79; Caleb,
the Flying-Mercury (1785), No. 382;
Ferses of the Printer's Boy (1786),
No. 416; New-Tear Verses (1787),
No. 446; News-Boy's Verses (1788),
No. 478; News-Boy's Verses (1790),
No. 535.
Carroll, Charles of Carrolton, Nos,
221 n, 214n.
Carroll, Charles, Senior, Letter from,
No. 57.
Carroll, Daniel, No. 460.
Carroll, John, 460; Address to the Ro-
man Catholics , No. 312.
Carroll county, petition for establish-
ing, No. 388.
Carter, John 11,45.
Carthy, Daniel, 9.
Cassius, Considerations on the Society,
or Order of Cincinnati, No. 304n.
Catalogue of a choice and valuable col-
lection of modern books, No. 522.
Catechism, Shorter, No. 236.
Centinel, 31.
Centlivre, Susannah, Bold Stroke for a
Wife, Nos. 213, 240, 256; Busy Body,
Nos. 154, 158, i62a, 253; Ghost,
Nos. 138, 192-3, 195, 198, 213;
Wonder, Nos. 164-5, 182, 394-
Chamberlaine, James Lloyd, Nos. 35,
51; Letter, No. 33.
Chandler, Jehu, 70.
Charleton, Guy, letters from, No. 283.
Chase, Samuel, 67, Nos. 234, 435n;
House of Delegates, No. 395; To the
honourable the General Assembly, No.
396; To the Roman Catholic Voters
in Baltimore-Town, No. 460; To the
coters of Anne-Arundel County, No,
397; To the voters of Baltimore-Town,
No. 461.
Chatterton, Augustus, Buds of Beauty,
53-54, No. 429.
Chesapeake ticket, No. 523.
Cibber, Colley, Hob in the Well, No.
Cincinnati, Order of, No. 304.
Cineas, pseud., No. 63; To Luther
Martin, No. 58.
Citizen, To the Voters of Maryland, No.
Citizen of Baltimore, Observations on a
pamphlet, No. 479a.
Clark, Stephen, Catalogue, No. 284.
Cockings, George, Conquest of Canada,
Coke, Thomas, Substance of a Sermon,
No. 364.
Cokesbury College, No. 427.
Colman, George, Clandistine Marriage,
No. 191; Jealous Wife, No. 393.
Columbus, pantomime, Nos. 265, 266.
Confiscation of British property, Nos.
94, 95, 223, 317, 337n., 341, 374.
Congreve, William, Love for Love, No.
Connecticut Gazette, 2.
Conogocheague River, bridge lottery,
No. 521.
Constitution, anti-federalist activities,
31-32; forerunners of, No. 233; mi-
nority report of Maryland conven-
tion, No. 475; sentiment for, No.
402; Remarks on the Proposed Plan,
No. 466.
Constitutional Convention, proceed-
ings, No. 432; Verfahren, No. 455.
Constitutional Courant, 2.