A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
One leaf supplements to numbers 314, 230 and 235. Heading was changed by insertion of arms of state aad use of en-
graved heading on Jan. xo.
Evans, 19776.
MdHS. EPFL. See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
416. ——— Verses | Of the Printer's Boy, to his good Masters | and Mistresses, the kind Encouragers
of | the Maryland Gazette; or the Bal- 1 timore General Advertiser. | January 1, 1786. | ... [Balti-
more: Printed by James Hayes, 1786.]
Folio broadside. Type page enclosed in ornamental border.
Leaf measures: 13 x 8 inches.
Twenty-two lines of verse.
Not in Evans.
417. The Maryland Journal | And|Baltimore Advertiser. | (Jan. 3-Dec. 29, 1786, being Nos. 790
to 894 of Vol. XIII) [Colophon:] Baltimore: Printed by Goddard and | Langworthy, at their Print-
ing-Office in | Public-Alley, near Market-Street.
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number except Nos. 890,892, and 894. Biweekly on Tuesday and Friday.
Leaf measures: 16 1/2 x 9 3/4 inches.
One leaf supplements to numbers 820, 834, 833, 880, 890, 892, 894. Two leaf supplements to numbers 818, 828, 836.
Number 889 is omitted. Langworthy's name was dropped from the colophon on Jan. 31. On March 14 the address of the
printing office was changed from Public Alley to Market Street.
Evans, 19777-
MdHS. EPFL See Brigham, American Ntwspapers for other files.
418. MASTER, LECH. To the worthy Electors of Frederick-County. | Gentlemen, 11 beg leave to
offer myself as a Candidate to serve| you in the ensuing Assembly: ... | [signed] Legh Master. |
Legh-Furnace, Pipe-Creek,|Sept. 22, 1786. | [ornamental rule] | Frederick-Town; Printed by
Matthias Bartgis. | Subscriptions and advertisements for the Maryland Chronicle or the | Universal
Advertiser, will be gratefully received by the Printer hereof. [1786.]
4to broadside.
Leaf measures: 8 3/4 x 8 inches.
Masters promised that, if elected, he would give the allowance provided for members of the Assembly to whatever
cause bis electors should think most proper.
Not in Evans.
G. R. Geahr, Westminster, Md. MdHS(photostat)
419. [Poor Robin's Almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1787; being the third after Bissextile, or
Leap-Year, and the eleventh year of American Independence. Frederick-Town: Printed by Matthias
Bartgis, 1786.]
Collation unknown.
Advertised as in the press on September 6 and as published on November 29 in the Maryland Chronicle.
Not in Evans.
No copy located.
420. Thoughts | On General Safety, | Addressed to the Youth and Others, descended in the Pro- |
testant Line from Pious Ancestors; especially to the In- | habitants of Maryland. | By a Lover of
his Country and a Friend to All. | ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by William Goddard,
in Market-Street. [1786.]