A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 7 inches.
The Assembly was convened March 2 and was adjourned May 16, Frederick Green was clerk.
Evans, 16832. Waters, 449.
MdHS. Huntington.
100. ———— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | House of Delegates | Of The | State of
Maryland. | June Session, 1780. | Being the Third Session of this Assembly. | Thursday, June 8,
1780. | ... [Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1780.]
Sm. folio. Aaa-Mmm2. 24 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [185]-231.
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 inches.
The Assembly was convened June 7 and the sessions began June 8. The sessions adjourned July 5. 1780. Frederick Green
was Clerk.
Evans, 16831.
MdHS. MdDioc.
101. ———— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | Senate | Of The | State of Maryland, |
June Session, 1780. | Being the Third Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis: Printed by Fred-
erick Green, 1780.]
Sm. folio. Bb-Gg2. 12 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [971-120.
The Assembly was convened June 7 and adjourned July 5, 1780.
Evans, 16832. Waters, 450.
MdHS. Huntington.
102. The Maryland, Delaware, | Pennsylvania, Virginia, | and North-Carolina | Almanack, | And
| Ephemeris, | For the Year of our Lord, | 1781; | ... [rule] | The Astronomical Part of this Alma-
nack was calcu- | lated by the ingenious Andrew Ellicott, | Esq; of Baltimore-Town. | [double rule] |
Baltimore: Printed and Sold, Wholesale and Re- | tail, by M. K. Goddard .... [1780.]
Sm. 8vo. [A]-B4, C1, D-F4. 22 leaves. Type page surrounded by a double rule border.
Pages unnumbered.
Leaf measures: 61/4 x 3 3/4 inches.
This is the second of the almanacs printed by the Goddards in Baltimore. A notice of its publication appeared in the
Maryland Journal on October 10, 1780.
Evans, 16770.
JCB. MdHS. EPFL (lacks last three leaves). LC.
103. The | Maryland Gazette. | (Jan. 7-Dec. 29, 1780, being Nos. 1722 to 1772 of XXXVth Year.)
[Colophon:] Annapolis: Printed by Frederick and Samuel Green, at the Post-Office in Charles-
Folio. Printed in three columns. One leaf each number, except Nos. 1726-1737, 1763, 1771 which have two. Weekly on
Leaf measures: 13 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.
Evans, 16833.
MdSL. For other files see Brigham, American Newspapers.
104. The | Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser. | (Jan. 4-Dec. 26, 1780, being Nos. 328 to
380 of Vol. VII) [Colophon:] Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard, at | the Post-Office.