A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
8vo. [A]1, B-I4, K3. 36 leaves.
Pages: [x]-69.
Leaf measures: 71/4 x 4 3/4 inches.
The Senate on May 16,1780, ordered "That the clerk of the senate [who was Frederick Green] procure to be printed four
hundred and thirty-five copies of the bill sent last session by the house of delegates for confiscating British property, and
messages thereon, and the bill sent this session by the house of delegates to the senate for seizure and confiscation of British
property, and the bill f or the security of this state and the subjects thereof, and for other purposes, sent by this house to
the house of delegates, and messages and proceedings thereon; also the messages and proceedings upon the bill for bringing
into the treasury our quota of dollars; that five copies thereof be sent to each senator, ten copies to the commissioners of the
tax for each county, and ten copies to the justices of each county, to be stitched together." (V-P. Senate. March, 1780.
p. 94.) (See Bibliography of Imprints, 94.)
Evans, 16830.
MdHS (lacks last leaf). JCB. NYPL.
96. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | House of Delegates ] Of The | State of
Maryland. | November Session, 1779. | Being the First Session of this Assembly. | .... [Annapolis:
Printed by Frederick Green, 1780.]
Folio. A-Y2. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [1]-88.
Leaf measures: 12 1/2 x 8 1/4 inches.
The assembly was convened on November 1 and on November 8 a quorum was present. The session was adjourned on
December 30,1779.
Evans, 16831.
MdHS (imperfect).
97. ———— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | Senate | Of The | State of Maryland. |
November Session, 1779. | Being the First Session of this Assembly. | .... [Annapolis: Printed by
Frederick Green, 1780.]
Sm, folio. A-K2. K2, L1. 33 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages; [1]-46.
Leaf measures: 11 1/3 x 7 inches.
The assembly was convened 8 November and adjourned 30 December, 1779.
Evans, 16833.
98. ———— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | House of Delegates | Of The | State of
Maryland. | March Session, 1780. | Being the Second Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis:
Printed by Frederick Green, 1780.]
Sm. folio. Z2, Aa-Zz2. 48 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [89]-183.
Leaf measures-. 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 inches.
The Assembly was convened on March 2 but a quorum was not present until March 23. The session adjourned 16 May
1780. Frederick Green was clerk.
Evans, 16831.
MdHS. MdDioc.
99. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | Senate | Of The | State of Maryland. |
March Session, 1780. | Being the Second Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis: Printed by
Frederick Green, 1780.]
Sm. folio. M-Z2, [Aa]1. as leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [47]-95.