CHAP. 121.
county, stating that the said Sweet has been legally married to
a free woman of colour residing in the state of Pennsylvania,
whose name is Caty Sweet, and agreeable to the law of this
state, it is contrary for his said wife Caty Sweet, to emigrate to
this state; it appearing reasonable and right that she, the said
Caty Sweet, shall or may emigrate into this state, Therefore,
May remote into
this state
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, that she the said
Caty Sweet, a woman of colour of Pennsylvania, and wife to him
the said Isaac Sweet, shall have full privilege to emigrate and
remove into this state, and shall be considered as a citizen of the
state, to all intents and purposes, as if she had been born in the
Passed Feb 18, 1827
An Act to incorporate a Company in Funkstown, in Washington County,
to be called The Funk's-Town Fire Company.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that a
number of the citizens of Funk's-Town, in Washington coun-
ty, intending to provide themselves with a complete and suffi-
cient apparatus for the extinguishment of fires, and having a-
dopted a constitution for the government of said company, in-
order to give effect to the laws, rules and regulations, which
have or may be established by the said company, it has been
prayed that an act of incorporation may pass in their favour;
Members incorpo-
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That George Shafer, Daniel Boerstler, Elias Davis, George W.
Boerstler, and William Eakle, and such other persons as are
now or may hereafter become members of the same, shall be
and are hereby declared to be, one community, corporation and
body politic, forever thereafter, by the name and style of The
Funkstown Fire Company, and by that name they shall be,
and are hereby made able and capable in law to have, purchase,
receive, possess, enjoy and retain, to them and their successors,
lands, tenements, rents, annuities, or other hereditaments, and
the same to grant, demise, alien or dispose of, in such manner
as they may judge most conducive to the interests of ' the com-
pany; Provided nevertheless, that the said corporation or body
politic shall not at any time hold or possess property real, per-
sonal or mixed, exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars per
May the and be
sued, &c
2. And be it enacted, That the said company, and their
successors, by the aforesaid name, shall forever hereafter be able
and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all or any
courts of justice whatsoever; and also to have, make and use, a
common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew, at plea-
sure; and also to assemble and meet at such times and places as
they may agree upon, and to ordain, establish, and put in exe-
cution, such by-laws, ordinances and regulations, as to them shall
seem conducive to the interest of the said company, and neces-
sary to the good government and orderly management thereof,
the same not being contrary to the laws of this state, or of the