An Act for the benefit of Atlam ttobb, Executor of Upton Beall, late Clerk
of Montgomery County.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Adam Robb, executor of Upton Beall, late clerk of
Montgomery county, be and he is hereby authorised and em-
powered, to send out the office fees which were due to the said
Upton Beall as clerk aforesaid, at the time of his death, for the
year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, for collection or execiir
tion, at any time until the first day of April next, any thing ia
CHAP. 119,
Passed Feb 27 1827
Authorised to send
out fees for 1826,
due Upton Beall
Uny law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, that every
sheriff in whose hands fees shall be placed by the said Adam
Robb, as executor aforesaid, for collection, shall be allowed un-
til the first day of December next, to account for and pay over
the money for the said fees,
2. And be it enacted. That the said executor be and he is
hereby authorised and empowered, at any time hereafter, and
within the time limited by law, to send out the office fees for
.the year eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, and which may
have accrued to the said Upton Beall, clerk as aforesaid, at the
time of his death, for collection or execution as aforesaid, and
also to send out for collection or execution as aforesaid, any
fees that may accrue for services to be performed by the said
executor, which he is bound by law to perform, after such ser-
vices shall have been performed, and which may not have here-
tofore been paid for; and any sheriff, in whose hands such fees
shall be placed for collection as aforesaid, shall account for and
pay over such fees, at such time and manner as they are bound
by law to account for and pay over fees in other cases placed
in their hands for collection.
Fees for 1837
An Act authorising John T. Barnes, a Free Man of Colour, to bring his
Wife Jane into this State.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that a
certain John T. Barnes, a free man of colour, residing in Alle-
gany county, stating that the said Barnes has been legally mar-
ried to a free woman of colour residing in the state of Virginia,
whose name is Jane; and agreeably to the laws of this state it ia
contrary for his said wife Jane to emigrate to this state; and i1
appearing reasonable and right that she the said Jane shall oj
may emigrate into this state, Therefore,
Passed Feb 17 1827
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, that she the said
Jane, a woman of colour of Virginia, and wife to him the said
John T. Barnes, shall have full privilege to emigrate and remove
into this state, and shall be considered as a citizen of the state of
Maryland, to all intents and purposes, as if she had been bora ia
the same.
Authorised to re-
move to this sjpw
An Act authorising Isaac Sweet, a Free Man of Colour, to bring his Wife
Caty Sweet into this State.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that a
certain Isaac Sweet, a free man of colour, residing in Allegany
Passed Feb27, 1827