3. And be it enqcted. That the said ditch shall commence at
or near the Black Bridge Branch, on the main road leading from
Greensborough to the Nine Bridges, then in such direction as
the commissioners itay think best, to a place called Rowe's Over-
going; and the said commissioners shall each oi them be entitled
to receive, for each and every day they may serve, the sum of
one dollar and fifty cents, which said sum shall be apportioned
by the said commissioners on the persons to be benefited by said
ditch, and collected as small debts are out of court
CHAP. 108.
Ditch where to
4. And be it enacted. That in case oi the death, resignation,
or refusal of any of the said commissioners, the remaining one
shall fill the vacancy or vacancies thereby occasioned; and in
case any of the persons thereby benefited shall refuse to keep in
order and clean out his, her, or their proportion, as heretofore
stipulated, from time to time as occasion may require, such per-
son or persons shall be fined for every such offence the sum of
ten dollars, to be collected and applied as set forth in the second
section of this act
Vacancies, how to
be supplied
5. And be it enacted, That the future owner or owners of
the lands and premises benefited by this act, shall be bound in
the same manner as the present owner or owners are or may be.
Future owners to
be bound in same
manner as present
An Act to facilitate the collection of Taxes levied on the Lands of Non-re-
sidents in Anne-Arundel County.
Passed Feb 23, 1827
1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act it shall and may be
lawful for the collector or deputy collectors, of the tax for
Anne-Arundel county, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to sell and dispose of at public sale, after first giving
thirty days notice in one of the Annapolis newspapers, and by
advertisements set up at three of the most public places in the
neighbourhood adjoining or nearest to the lands on which the
taxes are due, of the time and place of holding said sale, a suf-
£cient quantity of timber suitable for cord-wood or fence-rails,
to satisfy and pay all taxes that may hereafter be levied on the
lands in Anne-Arundel county, belonging to any person or per-
sons not residing in said county, where there is no personal
property on said lands for the payment of said taxes; and the
said collector, or his deputy, at the time of making said sale,
shall grant a certificate, under his hand and seal, verified by af-
fidavit, to the purchaser or purchasers, stating the quantity of
timber for cord-wood or fence-rails sold by him in virtue of this
act, and shall also make a like return to the levy court of Anne-
Arundel county at their next meeting, to be by them recorded
Timber, cord-
wood or fence
rails may be sold
to said, taxes
among their proceedings; Provided, that where there shall be
neither personal property or timber on said lands, the method
already provided by law shall be pursued in the collection of
said taxes.
2. And be it enacted, That any person or persons becoming
the purchaser of any timber sold by virtue of this act, shall at
any time within twelve months from the day of sale, have full
power and authority to enter upon the lands where such sale has
Purchasers autho-
rised to cut down
and carry away